We’ll accept return requests for items that are unopened, unused, with the original tags still intact. The product(s) must be in their original packaging, if applicable, in the same condition it was received.
Gift card sales are final. If you wish to return your item (except gift cards), we must receive your request within <15 days> of the date you received your item.
Once we receive your returned item, our team will review your request and inspect the item. We will send you an email to confirm that we’ve received your item and are processing your request. We’ll follow up with another email once the request has been processed to let you know if your return was approved.
If approved, the money will be refunded to your original method of payment within <two weeks>. All payment companies are different in the amount of time it takes to confirm a payment, so it will likely take a minimum of a few days for the refund to show up in your bank statement.
In the unlikely event that you receive a damaged or defective item, we’re happy to exchange the item for a new one. Please email timarra@fabmade.fit within 15 days of receiving your product to begin the process.
After you’ve submitted a return request to timarra@fabmade.fit, please arrange to return the product.
You are responsible for paying for the return shipping costs. We will deduct the cost of return shipping from your refund.
If the item is marked “final sale”, it does not qualify for a return and cannot be refunded.
Copyright © 2020-2023 Fearfully And Beautifully Made Fitness, LLC. - All Rights Reserved.
*Cancellation policy: must cancel within 24 hours